An Exciting Opportunity
“I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 This is a big weekend for Toloha! A group of 8 leaders from the Toloha Church will be travelling to Arusha to attend a regional training in church leadership, teaching, and discipleship. Andy Scott and Gary Combs of International Cooperating Ministries of Hampton, Virginia will be conducting the training. ICM distributes and trains churches in the use of Dick Woodward’s Mini-Bible College, a free Bible study available in 31 languages. They also aid in the planting, building, and nurturing of...
Read MoreKeep Digging – The Pipe Is Coming!
As I stood in the village the very last day of the vision trip, I was sorta dreading going back home. This dread came for a few reasons: I didn’t want to go home. I love the village. I love the simplicity, the people, the joy, the beauty and I even came to love operating on “Africa Time (everything starts a few hours late).” God is at work, people are being empowered and things are changing in Toloha – I wanted to stick around and see what God was going to do next! I was worried – how were we going to get the money needed to keep the project going? The villagers were 16 weeks ahead of...
Read MoreA Fundraising Emergency
I want a moment to share with you from my heart about what God is up to in Toloha Village. We had a chance to share at the Thursday night service at Grace Fellowship Church, and it was amazing! After Ashely and I spoke and updated the congregation about our experience in Toloha, God started to move in a very real way. Ashely and I were still tired from the time change (3 am Tanzania time) and planned on just giving a brief update on Toloha, but God had bigger plans for the evening. Sammy Hudson, the Director of The Refuge youth ministry in Greene County, presented the sermon and really...
Read MoreDigging the Trench
The Toloha Vision Team has been in Tanzania for over two weeks and most members will be heading back this week. So much has happened, and we will be sharing lots of photographs and details over the next few weeks right here on the blog and on our Facebook Page. Those of us back here in the States excitedly anticipate their arrival home, but for the Vision Team and villagers it will be a bittersweet departure. Below is a photo taken of the villagers digging the trench. We received this report form Burt, our engineer, “Project is proceeding quickly!!! About 65 people per day and will...
Read MoreA Great Day!
We just talked on the phone with Burt, Ashely, Josh, and Joseph. They are brimming with joy and excitement about what God has done so far during their first few days in the village! So far, every single day on this trip has been filled with so much adventure and excitement. Here are some highlights of our conversation: As we were speaking at about 5 pm (in the village), they were having a July 4th party along with the villagers! The team also showed the Jesus Film to the villagers on the 4th of July and forty folks came! The Gospel was clearly shared! The villagers broke ground on the...
Read MoreArrival in the village
The Toloha 2014 Vision team has been in Toloha for 2 nights, and there has not been a dull moment. We are praising God for all that has already happened. God, through Burt, Leyton, and Daniel, led an awesome water meeting under the village tree, and then the digging of the trench began TODAY! A unity among the team and the villagers and the water board is being achieved – answer to prayer! Eight villagers came to a ministry meeting to learn about starting a Bible study, and they are very excited! There were 2 young women, 2 young men, 2 older women and 2 older men at the meeting. How...
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