The envisioned Toloha Clinic in 2009
Daniel was blessed to have a very wise and caring father who would always be an encourager to him. Life in the village was very difficult and the lack of enough rainfall caused it to be worse to live in the village. There was no running water, no food, no electricity, no access to healthcare services and you must walk 4 to 5 hours to get to the highway for transportation to a healthcare clinic or hospital in town. When Daniel left Toloha village on November 30th, 2001, his father told him not to forget his village. In 2008, Daniel’s father got sick (diarrhea) and became dehydrated. There was no hospital or a clinic to administer Intravenous fluid (IV) to hydrate him. The closest hospital was about 8 hours’ drive. So, by the time people found the car to take him to the hospital, it was too late. Daniel’s father passed away on the road to the hospital. The driver has no other option, but to turn around and return the body back to the village for funeral arrangement.In 2009, for the first time Daniel returned to the village from USA. Daniel disbelieved when he saw that the life in the village was much worse than when he left. Daniel paid his last respect for his father on the graveyard. Daniel knew the lack of healthcare in the village was a challenge. That’s when Daniel made a vow to build a healthcare clinic so that no one else in the village will die from something that would be so easy to treat if the village had a healthcare clinic. Now this vow has touched many friends and partners to be interested to help Daniel’s vision become a reality. Now we need your help, will you join us! Below are the building phases that are needed to make the clinic operational.
- Building structure phase 1(main building): $45,000
- Building structure phase 2 (8beds ward & storage): $25,000
- Building structure phase 3 (Dr’s house): $15,000
- Water and Sanitation (5 seated outside toilet facility for outpatients/inpatients/visitors) $7,500
- Furniture, electricity and plumbing: $5,250