An Exciting Opportunity

“I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

This is a big weekend for Toloha! A group of 8 leaders from the Toloha Church will be travelling to Arusha to attend a regional training in church leadership, teaching, and discipleship. Andy Scott and Gary Combs of International Cooperating Ministries of Hampton, Virginia will be conducting the training. ICM distributes and trains churches in the use of Dick Woodward’s Mini-Bible College, a free Bible study available in 31 languages. They also aid in the planting, building, and nurturing of churches and have built over 5,000 churches throughout 68 countries. The Toloha Church is one of over 52,000 churches and housechurches around the world using this excellent curriculum that contains teaching through the entire Bible in 4 years as well as teaching on marriage, family, and other topics. The Toloha Church has been using the Mini-Bible College as their primary teaching on Sundays since July when the Kinston Vision Team introduced it to them and provided the necessary study materials. In addition to training in how to use the curriculum, they will also receive training in leadership, discipleship, and church growth strategies.

The most valuable part of the weekend, though, will surely be the intensive time of fellowship and team building amongst these Toloha Church leaders. The team is composed of a diverse group of men, women, younger, and older leaders. They are filled with anticipation and enthusiasm for this opportunity to sharpen their ministry skills so that they might thrive as ambassadors for Christ in their home town of Toloha. We’re pretty pumped about it over on this side of the Atlantic as well!

This small group of people began to meet as a church in Toloha and is growing together in number and closeness to God. They are studying the Mini Bible College Studies every Sunday.

This small group of people pictured with some of our 2014 Vision Team began to meet as a church in Toloha and is growing together in number and closeness to God. They are studying the Mini Bible College Studies every Sunday.


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