We thought the best way to introduce the Toloha Partnership was to share our Mission Statement. It is the core of why we are praying, working, meeting, deliberating and doing everything else that comes with this partnership.
This statement is a test. In every task and objective we strive to accomplish, we can ask if it follows this mission. It holds us in check and keeps us accountable.
Writing this statement is one of the very first things we did as a team because we knew we needed a tangible object and vision that was succinct. Just writing down these words will drive us to accomplish each goal we set. We prayed to ask God’s direction, and as a team, this is where He led us:
We hope you’ll join us! Please take a moment to look through this website. There are many ways you can partner with us! Please, please most importantly, PRAY!
Thank you so much for visiting! We would love to hear from you in the comments.